See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 1st John 3:1 (ESV)
We are having drive in services & services in the sanctuary at 10:00 am.
If you decide on drive in service please tune your radio to 94.7

Service Times
***Sunday Morning Service 10am
We all meet in the Sanctuary for music & worship.
We have Children’s Church for morning services.
Sunday Evening Lesson 5:45m for Adults
Super Sunday 5pm
Fun filled Bible lessons & activities.
Dinner included
Wednesday Evening Adult Service 6 pm
*** RADIO Station 94.7 --Drive in Church
Please park in the front parking lot.
*Please check calendar for times and dates.
Additional Information
We have a calendar available in both foyers. Other information is also by the doors in the sanctuary and the bulletin board in fellowship hall foyer.
There is a first aid kit in the fellowship hall above the stove & a small one in IT area of the church.
The restrooms, water, nursery, and classes are in the fellowship hall.
Things to Join
Choir Practice: Sunday morning after church
Women's Ministry: third Saturday 1:00
Men's Ministry: last Saturday 1:00
*Please check calendar for dates &
Volunteer Positions
Want to be involved?
Want to teach?
Want to lead a Bible Study?
Are you good with computers?
Do you want to help in our IT department?
Do you like to sing?
Can you play an instrument?
All of these are ways you can be involved.
Please see Keith or a member of the Leadership Team.
Do you want to be involved in a different way?
PRAY! Pray for our church, pray for our leaders, pray for our youth and children. Pray for our country, state, local government. Pray for our schools. Just Pray!